
Lympsham C of E Academy and Lympsham Pre-School

A Christian Community with Children at its Heart

Careers Week at Lympsham

We have hosted our very first Careers Week and spent the week enjoying lots of visitors to the school and activities in our class. 


In its entirety we have enjoyed the following:


Class Assemblies: Local parent Farmer to talk about dairy farming, Parent Banker talking about finance and the qualities of a good career, Parent Teacher came in to talk about her time at Lympsham school and now her profession as a primary school teacher.


Class Talks: Jane Hawkins came to talk about Director of Maths role and her love of Maths, Parent Veterinary Nurse, Parent Pilot and Air Steward. 


We have also hosted an 'Inspiration Day' today and allowed the children to come to school dressed as their future career and looked through alumni information we have gathered about ex pupils who once attended the school who have now gone on to lots of different wonderful jobs. 


Thank you to everyone who has supported this week and made it such a memorable week for our children.
